
I’m  socially retarded, maturely-challenged, and totally lacking of any kind of motivation.

Some people know exactly what they want to be and who they are at a young age, then there are the rest of us.  I’m a breath away from 30 years old, have a good job, great wife, and have been very blessed.  Like most people in the world I have had my challenges, lost people that I love, and have realized that life is not always like it is shown on TV.  Yet through it all I have learned to enjoy the things I love.  I love to write and hope to one day publish a book all my own.  This blog will document all the stupid things I do(and think), and hopefully one day will also include news about a book all my own  🙂


20 responses to “About

  1. I know exactly how you feel. I wake up everyday wondering what I want to be when I grow up. The path is getting a little easier now and I think that I am on the right one. I used to be envious of those people that knew what they wanted to be. But, for the rest of us that have miles of experiences, I keep believing that we will come out on top. That we will be doing something useful with all the experiences that we keep learning…until, we grow up and figure it all out. Your writings are wonderful, never stop to strive for your dreams.

    Take Care.

  2. I’ve got 10 years on you agewise, and the great job and partner too, and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I think writing is one of the ways we figure it out, or at least come to the conclusion that it is okay NOT to figure it out as long as we’re enjoying the exploration : ).

  3. Hello taureanw ..

    Just calling by to thank you for taking the time to read and to let me know that you liked that poem … I wish you every success in your writing ambitions .

  4. You’ve been commenting on my blog for a while, so I thought it was time I got myself here. I’ve just subscribed, so even if I don’t comment often, know that I’m reading. Take that how you will. 😉

  5. Cat

    I liked what you said on my blog, so I thought I’d lurk around yours for a while. Can’t promise to return the favour of a meaningfully thought out comment, but I’m subscribing now, so I’ll be reading in future. ;o)
    Oh, and just in case my subtlety isn’t transparent enough: I’m liking the blog. Very insightful, very honest and very readable. Keep going!

  6. melaniekate

    I’m following… not in a stalker kind of way. In the kind of way where we relate to the fact that we have no idea what we want from life or what our purpose is. And I want to know what someone else in that mind-frame feels and thinks and writes. I’m following that 🙂

  7. oldsalt1942

    Hell, I just turned 69 and I STILL don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I’m not even sure I WANT TO grow up.

  8. I’m sharing in your struggles as a writer, and in figuring out where I’ll end up. I’ll be following your blog! 🙂

  9. Holy cow! Are you my long lost twin??

  10. I’m wondering what actually socially-retarded means.

  11. Rula Mazigi

    Well the image one holds of one’s self is not much different from the image others hold of him. In both cases the image is a reflection of one’s history, one’s memory and interpretation of stored knowledge, projected onto one’s present and future. In any relationship, not just between man and man, but between man and animal, man and nature, man and all that he percieves, it is the images which meet each other and not the actual beings. Can I write down my thoughts (as you say you want to do) and observe them as a third party, objectively, at the same time? I wonder what would happen if I did?

  12. It’s so awesome to see that so many people have this problem. For a minute there I thought I was all by myself :). Thanks for stopping by my blog; I hope you’ll be back. You’ve got some good stuff here. I can’t wait to read more.

  13. I thought I’d pop on by and properly introduce myself, since you stopped by my blog. The name is Lou, and Pissy is my handle. 🙂
    I had to chuckle reading this bio. Are there any of us creative types that have figured out what we want and who we are? I think revamping and reinventing is a part of our nature. I know I tell my 24 year old daughter all the time that when I grow up I want to be just like her. I’m going to be 49 in three weeks and still don’t have a clue what the destination for me is at the end of life’s road. I’m just trying to amuse myself as much as I can in the meantime taking the scenic route my mind leads me on.
    Going to have to rummage through your blog and check it out when I get time. I find maturely-challenged men who do stupid shyt interesting. Obviously…I’m married to one! Ha..ha..

  14. Great blog here. Definitely great to see another writer giving life their all. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can check out the rules back at my blog here. http://wp.me/p1VZRr-ey
    Can’t wait to see what you post next.

  15. springfieldfem

    Hello! I nominated you for The Kreativ Blogger award because I enjoy your humor and writing. Deets can be found here:

    Write on!

  16. Pingback: You Really Really Like Me? « The Diary of a Mad Gay Man

  17. survivorscribe

    My friend and I used to say we are late bloomers. I think it’s hard to know so soon what you want, or believe in what you want. I think I knew, because I always loved writing as a kid, but I didn’t believe that I could do it until much later in life.

  18. Jim Brennan

    If you continue to practice your craft and write the brutal truth as you do here, you will publish your book one day. Get as good as you can and write the truth.

  19. Pingback: MGM Award: TaureanWriter « The Diary of a Mad Gay Man

  20. Hey there, hope this is okay posting here:

    You’ve been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award!

    The Versatile Blogger Award

    ~ JLT

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