So, Uh……What’ Cha Doing?

I like writing.  Not sure if I’ve told you all this yet.  Sure my blog name is Nothing To Read Here: The Misadventures Of An Unpublished Writer , but I still wanted to make sure you all were aware of this.

Now as I have said in the past one of the reasons for starting this blog was to keep me motivated towards my writing goals.  So the next question one might ask is, what are your writing goals?  That is a great question & thanks for asking!  I have two goals: 1) Publish a novel.  As of now I am actually looking into possibly self-publishing through CreateSpace and through the e-book format (Kindle, nook, etc).  2) Enter the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest.  Now in order to accomplish both of these things I have a LOT of work ahead of me.

For self-publishing I need to put the finishing touches on my novel  tentatively titled Dark Horizon, reformat it for the e-book formats, advertise the ever-living crap out of it, release it, and then advertise the ever-living crap out of it.

In the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest I need to actually finish my current novel, which is currently around 40% but still requires some basic research, edit it & then submit it.  This actually has a deadline which should be around January of 2012 unless they change it.

While working on these I still have the usually domestic duties of work, yard/house maintenance, and being a dutiful husband.  I would be lying if I said it didn’t seem intimidating but it is very possible.  Thanks to this blog and the friends I have made from it I have been getting plenty of inspiration & quite a lot of work done.  I just figured since you all have been following my mindless musings you would like to know where my boat is attempting to sail!


Filed under Writing

6 responses to “So, Uh……What’ Cha Doing?

  1. What a great plan!!!…It’s hard, but doable to get everything done…Just one part at a time…

    Take Care…

  2. Good luck on your goals. Epublishing is a very intriguing option. I’ve considered it myself. For now I’ve got a few agents left to query, then on to the small niche publisher. Keep us posted on your progress. Can’t wait to see what direction you’ll go.

    Love the title, btw. 🙂

  3. Great Plan! I’m considering self-publishing for one of my novels, mainly because it contains a few romance no-nos, which happen to be important to the plot.


  4. Ya know, these thoughts have been running through my head. I’m like Barbara, a few more agents to query and then maybe try some small publishing houses. And, I get the housework obligations. My garden looks great, but my WIP is still sitting at the same word count from a few weeks ago. Damn adulthood gets in the way …

  5. Good luck with these goals! I am sending a few of my novels off to agents and small publishers, but I have also contemplated the self-publishing route. With so much social networking, it seems that success is possible, but (like any publishing endeavor) difficult.

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